Flu Vaccinations

Protect yourself and your loved ones with the flu vaccine

Being vaccinated with the current year's flu vaccine is your best protection from Influenza. As the flu can make you seriously unwell, we’re encouraging anyone over the age of six months to be vaccinated.

Getting your flu shot at a UFS Pharmacy
• The flu injection is administered by an immunisation accredited pharmacist or nurse
• Your Australian Immunisation Records (AIR) will be updated in the same way for vaccinations received at a UFS Pharmacy as it would be if you received the vaccination from a GP.
• While children from 5 years and up are able to receive the flu vaccination at a UFS Pharmacy, we recommend that anxious children between 5 and 15 years should receive the vaccine from a GP. Children between the ages of 6 months to 5 years should be vaccinated by a GP at a medical practice. Click here for information on flu vaccinations at UFS Medical for children.
• If you’ve recently had COVID, you can still safely receive the flu vaccination, as long as you no longer have symptoms.
• If you have not had COVID or a COVID booster recently, ask your pharmacist about your eligibility. It is safe to have a COVID booster at the same time as your flu vaccine.
• The vaccines used at UFS are quadrivalent vaccines, to protect against four different flu viruses.
• UFS offers two types of flu vaccine – standard cell-based (egg free) and standard.
• The cost of the standard flu vaccine is $26 for UFS Members or $32.49 for non-members.
• The cost of the cell-based flu vaccine is $37.95 for UFS Members or $47.45 for non-members.
• For patients eligible for the National Immunisation Program (NIP) flu vaccine, there is no charge for the supply or administration of the flu vaccine. To check eligibility for an NIP vaccine please click here or speak with your pharmacist.

Vaccination program for small businesses
Vaccinating your workforce against the flu is one of the best ways to pro-actively manage productivity and reduce absenteeism during the colder months. This year, UFS is making it easier than ever for businesses with up to 20 employees to get their team vaccinated. We're offering pre-paid flu vaccination slips, allowing you to pre-pay for your team's vaccinations. Each team member can then use their pre-paid flu vaccination slip at their convenience, at any UFS pharmacy during flu season. Simply enquire at your local UFS pharmacy or call UFS Work Health on (03) 5364 9120 for more information about this service. 

 Book an appointment
Please go to our Pharmacy Bookings page to book your flu vaccination appointment.