Continence Aids Payment Scheme (CAPS)

The Continence Aids Payment Scheme (CAPS) is an Australian Government Scheme to financially assist eligible people who have permanent and severe incontinence to meet some of the costs of incontinence management products.
The ability to access continence funding with CAPS gives you greater choice and flexibility in how you purchase your continence products from a supplier of your choice.
The CAPS payment rate for 2020–21 is $623.80 per person, and is paid into a nominated Australian bank account. You can choose one full payment in July, or two half payments in July and January each year. For more information, please visit the Department of Health website.
You can use CAPS at all UFS Pharmacies. We stock a variety of continence products which vary from store-to-store. All of our stores stock the MoliCare range of products.