
Mr Graeme Dixon

Mr Andrew McPherson

Mr David Lenehan
Qualifications: Dip Bus; Bachelor Bus; FCPA; FCIS; and FGIA
Experience: Appointed to the Board in 2011. Mr Dixon has over 47 years of corporate finance/accounting/treasury and company secretarial experience. Mr Dixon has held directorships in a number of Australian and Asian companies. He is a member of the Finance, Audit and Risk Management Committee of the Committee for Ballarat and is also a Board member of the Fiona Elsey Cancer Research Institute.
Special Responsibilities: Ex officio member of the Audit & Risk, Clinical Governance and People & Culture Committees.
Qualifications: BAppSc (phys); MBA; MAICD
Experience: Appointed to the Board in 2017. Mr McPherson has over 25 years’ experience in the healthcare industry both in Australia and the USA. Mr McPherson was the CEO of both Grampians Medicare Local from 2012 to 2015 and Ballarat & District Division of GPs from 2006 to 2012. Mr McPherson is currently the owner/Director of a local Ballarat business which provides consultant advice to the health industry.
Special Responsibilities: Chair of the Audit & Risk Committee and member of the Clinical Governance and People & Culture Committees.
Qualifications: Grad Dip Health Administration
Experience: Appointed to the Board in 2017. Mr Lenehan retired from his position as CEO of Hepburn Health Service in 2013 after a long career in health and hospital management. Mr Lenehan has extensive experience in financial and health services management and, following retirement, has undertaken some relieving CEO work in rural hospital and community health services.
Special Responsibilities: Chair of the Clinical Governance Committee.

Mr Stephen Coote
Qualifications: FCMA; FCPA; CGMA; MBA; Grad Dip IDT; Grad Dip Mgt; CIMA Dip MA; BA (Hons) Sust Perf Mgt; BCOM; MAICD; PCIP; CISA; CGEIT; CRISC
Experience: Appointed to the Board in 2024. Mr Coote has over 20 years in corporate businesses as a finance, transformation and turnaround and M&A executive. Mr Coote is currently the Chairman of Janus Advisory.
Special Responsibilities: Member of Audit & Risk Committee.

Mrs Jacinta Rivett
Qualifications: B.A. LLB; GAICD
Experience: Appointed to the Board in 2007. Ms Rivett is General Counsel for Ambulance Victoria (AV), with over 15 years of legal experience. Current member of the Ballarat Regional AICD Committee and past member of the Human Research and Ethics Committee for St John of God and Ballarat Base Hospitals. Ms Rivett has also been a Director of Ballan and District Hospital and a member of a number of Law Institute of Victoria Committees and local associations and organisations.
Special Responsibilities: Member of the Clinical Governance Committee.

Ms Gina Lyons
Qualifications: MBA; Practitioner’s Certificate in Mediation; GAICD
Experience: Appointed to the Board in 2015. Ms Lyons has over 20 years’ experience in Executive roles in Health, Local Government, Higher Education and Marketing Communications. Since 2012 Ms Lyons has operated her own consulting business providing strategic, organisation development and change management expertise to clients. Ms Lyons has wide experience as a Director on health, tourism and NFP Boards.
Special Responsibilities: Chair of the People & Culture Committee and member of the Audit & Risk Committee.

Miss Kirsty Wakefield
Qualifications: BCom; BMgt; GradDip CSP; CPA; CA
Experience: Appointed to the Board in 2024. Miss Wakefield has over 20 years’ experience in finance and business, with six years in senior management roles in the Victorian Government. Miss Wakefield has a broad range of experience in health, environment, education, corrections and government services, with specific expertise in logistics, emergency management, governance and programs management. Miss Wakefield has served on other not-for-profit boards, including the Salvation Army.
Special responsibilities: Member of the People & Culture Committee.