Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccinations

The human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine is recommended for adolescents aged 12–13 years. It is free under the National Immunisation Program (NIP) subject to eligibility. You can check your eligibility here. 

Who should get vaccinated
- People aged 12–13 years should receive two doses of the 9vHPV vaccine 
- People aged 15–18 years should receive three doses of the 9vHPV vaccine 
- People who missed the vaccine at school can get it for free up to age 25 
- People with significant immunocompromising conditions should get vaccinated 
- Men who have sex with men should get vaccinated 
- Children under 9 who are at risk of exposure to HPV should consider getting vaccinated 

Benefits of vaccination
The HPV vaccine helps prevent cancer in men and women. Most people have HPV at some time in their lives, but the body can usually find and clear it out.  

Most UFS pharmacies offer the HPV (human papillomavirus) vaccination, administered by an immunisation accredited pharmacist. To book an appointment please visit the Pharmacy Bookings page. 

For patients not eligible for the NIP vaccine, the cost for this vaccination is $235 for UFS members or $293.75 for non-members. 

Please note that children up to the age of 12 should visit their GP to receive this vaccination.